Subject Verb Agreement Mcq Test Class 8

Subject-verb agreement is an important aspect of grammar that often poses a challenge for learners. One way to test your understanding of this concept is through multiple-choice questions (MCQs). If you are a Class 8 student, this article will provide you with an overview of subject-verb agreement and some sample MCQs that you can practise.

What is subject-verb agreement?

Subject-verb agreement refers to the agreement between the subject and the verb of a sentence. In simple terms, it means that the verb should match the subject in number (singular or plural). For example, “She sings” is correct, while “She sing” is incorrect. The verb `sing` should be in agreement with the subject `She.`

Sample MCQs on subject-verb agreement

Let`s look at some MCQs on subject-verb agreement that you can use to test your knowledge:

1. Choose the correct sentence:

a. My friends is coming over tonight.

b. My friends are coming over tonight.

c. My friend are coming over tonight.

Answer: b. My friends are coming over tonight.

Explanation: The subject `friends` is plural, so the verb `are` should match it.

2. Choose the correct sentence:

a. The book was written by one of the greatest authors in the world.

b. The book were written by one of the greatest authors in the world.

c. The book is written by one of the greatest authors in the world.

Answer: c. The book is written by one of the greatest authors in the world.

Explanation: The subject `book` is singular, so the verb `is` should match it.

3. Choose the correct sentence:

a. The children is playing in the park.

b. The child is playing in the park.

c. The children are playing in the park.

Answer: c. The children are playing in the park.

Explanation: The subject `children` is plural, so the verb `are` should match it.

4. Choose the correct sentence:

a. The dog barks at strangers.

b. The dog bark at strangers.

c. The dogs bark at strangers.

Answer: a. The dog barks at strangers.

Explanation: The subject `dog` is singular, so the verb `barks` should match it.

5. Choose the correct sentence:

a. Every student need to bring their own books.

b. Every student needs to bring their own books.

c. Every students need to bring their own books.

Answer: b. Every student needs to bring their own books.

Explanation: The subject `Every student` is singular, so the verb `needs` should match it.


Subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of grammar that you must understand to write correct and clear sentences. Practising MCQs can help you test your knowledge and improve your skills. Keep practising and test yourself regularly to master subject-verb agreement.

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